sponsor introducuction
Peinemann is sponsor of the NN CPC Loop Den Haag and and the silent power in the construction and dismantling of this event. We supply all aerial platforms, gators, forklifts and telehandlers for the assembly and dismantling of the NN CPC Loop The Hague. And this major event in the middle of the city involves a lot: infrastructure, time pressure and many participants, visitors and residents. We do not see this as a burden, but as a great challenge.
Plan without it being noticeable
Peinemann is a household name in the construction and dismantling of major events, festivals and sports events. Together with our client, we investigate the logistics circle and how we can set up and remove everything as safely and yet as efficiently as possible. Without participants having to think for a second, how all that stuff ended up here and was hung up. That takes a lot of planning!
We are proud to help make the NN CPC Run The Hague possible.
Running makes people rise above themselves. At Peinemann we also believe that healthy employees achieve better results. We therefore pay extra attention to the fitness of our employees. Together we reap the benefits!
Get the Green machine
Our family business has been around for over eighty years and has more than a hundred active employees of whom we are proud. We don’t just supply our equipment, we think along with our customer about what he or she needs. We also have the Peinemann Academy, which allows our clients to obtain the right certifications at their own location. And with our Get The Green Machine campaign we want to draw attention to environmentally friendly alternatives in equipment.
We wish all employees of the NN CPC Loop The Hague the best of luck!