sponsor introduction
Sport and move are important for the development of children. Running is a nice low-key way to exercise. Shoes on and go! That’s why gro-up is proudly sponsor of the kids races at the NN CPC Loop Den Haag. The kids of gro-up child care participate in the popular gro-up kids 1- or 2,5km run. At Malieveld there will be a gro-up stand, where we organize different sportive and surprising activities. All children, kids and parents are welcome!
We are gro-up Whoever you are, wherever you come from: everyone deserves a chance to be their best-selves. That’s why gro-up exists. Together with the family and neighbourhood, we create an environment where kids of all ages can grow and develop. We are active in maternity care, childcare, community work and youth care. We feel responsible for every step in the development of a child: from pregnancy till independance. In an ideal world everyone gets space to show their potential. That’s the world we develop for the children, families and neighbourhoods.
Is your child lost? Join our gro-up tent
Just after the finish there is a gro-up tent. If you lost eachother, you are welcome at our place. We take care of lost children.