Sponsor introduction


What’s important to you, is important to us, because there is only one you. Everyone runs for reaching a goal. From living healthier, freedom in your mind till realizing a sporting result. It doesn’t matter who you are or which discipline you participate, we help you with reaching all your running goals. By challenging you, supporting you, guiding you and celebrating after crossing the finish-line.

Supporter of all runners.

Nationale-Nederlanden, part of the NN Group, started in 2014 with all sponsor activities in the running world. Currently we are proudly sponsor of tens of running races in Europe and Japan, including the NN Marathon Rotterdam and NN CPC Loop Den Haag. These sponsor-activities are focused on helping people achieve their sportive goals. This happens through guidance with a pacing team and innovating activations as hardloopsupporter, het juichmoment or the platform renmee.nl. “By supporting these activities we want to stimulate runners to achieve their goals or celebrate reaching their goal.” thus Remco Barbier, Manager Branding of NN Group.

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